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I wasn't arguing with or misunderstanding the point being made. I was just disputing that DDG usage would be positively related to credit unworthiness. I admit that it was pedantic.

I think the denial to credit for DDG is less about credit worthyness and more about "deplatforming" based on personal details. Or thats what it'll become.

That's highly unlikely. As the GGP said, using ddg is associated with being wealthy, so it will have the opposite effect over time.

If you're a rich white guy, this oppression is unlikely to apply to your choices. Instead, your choices will be used as filters to identify you at the exclusion of others

> if you're a rich white guy

Amazing how skin color is the first thing brought up by those (presumably) fighting racism. Ironic?

And my point is that aside from the pendantry about DDGs affect specifically... the result will be scoring systems based on more than just financial capabilities. IE: "we don't want to lend to those who use DDG because they are rich white guys". Deplatforming based on perceived "facts".

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