This is probably tracked at the national level generally, though "database of dams" at DDG produces some results.
There's the National Inventory of Dams in the US:
Congress first authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to inventory dams in the United States with the National Dam Inspection Act (Public Law 92-367) of 1972. The NID was first published in 1975, with a few updates as resources permitted over the next ten years. The Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-662) authorized USACE to maintain and periodically publish an updated NID, with re-authorization and a dedicated funding source provided under the Water Resources Development Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-3). USACE also began close collaboration with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and state regulatory offices to obtain more accurate and complete information. The National Dam Safety and Security Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-310) and the Dam Safety Act of 2006 reauthorized the National Dam Safety Program and included the maintenance and update of the NID by USACE. More recently, the NID was reauthorized as part of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 and the Water Resources Development Act of 2018.
Global Dam Watch: "GDW curates and hosts three leading global dam databases, and provides summary information and links to many additional global, regional and national datasets"
Globale Georeferenced Database of Dams (contrived acronym GOODD) (38,667 records)
Global Reservoir and Dam Database (GRanD) (6,862 records)
Future Hydropower Reservoirs and Dams (FHReD) (3,700 records)
Also lists external datasets, ICOLD (59,071 records), FAO AQUASTAT (14,500), and OpenStreetMap (54,308).
And regional sets: AMBER Atlas/Europe (630,000 records), US National Inventory of Dams (see above) (90,580 records), and more.
There's the National Inventory of Dams in the US:
Congress first authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to inventory dams in the United States with the National Dam Inspection Act (Public Law 92-367) of 1972. The NID was first published in 1975, with a few updates as resources permitted over the next ten years. The Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-662) authorized USACE to maintain and periodically publish an updated NID, with re-authorization and a dedicated funding source provided under the Water Resources Development Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-3). USACE also began close collaboration with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and state regulatory offices to obtain more accurate and complete information. The National Dam Safety and Security Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-310) and the Dam Safety Act of 2006 reauthorized the National Dam Safety Program and included the maintenance and update of the NID by USACE. More recently, the NID was reauthorized as part of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 and the Water Resources Development Act of 2018.
Global Dam Watch: "GDW curates and hosts three leading global dam databases, and provides summary information and links to many additional global, regional and national datasets"
Globale Georeferenced Database of Dams (contrived acronym GOODD) (38,667 records)
Global Reservoir and Dam Database (GRanD) (6,862 records)
Future Hydropower Reservoirs and Dams (FHReD) (3,700 records)
Also lists external datasets, ICOLD (59,071 records), FAO AQUASTAT (14,500), and OpenStreetMap (54,308).
And regional sets: AMBER Atlas/Europe (630,000 records), US National Inventory of Dams (see above) (90,580 records), and more.