This might be a North/South thing. Generalising massively - I often find that Southern English will entertain huge grievances but never actually do or say anything about them. I kind of conflate these types with tutting Daily Mail-reading curtain twitchers who decry the fall of their society, as they see it, but never raise a peep in complaint.
Up North, people tend to be much more comfortable speaking up and giving a piece of their mind.
Personally, I am a regular writer of letters of complaint, and frequent arguer in the street, haha :)
Drives me nuts when I see people complaining, but not then actually doing anything to resolve it.
You're probably right - I have never lived in the north. Always hear glowing reports. Daily Mail-reading curtain twitchers are a solid majority where I come from.
Up North, people tend to be much more comfortable speaking up and giving a piece of their mind.
Personally, I am a regular writer of letters of complaint, and frequent arguer in the street, haha :)
Drives me nuts when I see people complaining, but not then actually doing anything to resolve it.