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I think with Windows 10 being the last version of Windows, ReactOS will eventually catch up.

Also: If Windows starts getting real ugly with forced telemetry, cloud service integration, and deprecation of Win32 apps, ReactOS can provide a way to continue using "Windows" in a productive manner without the negative side effects of ad-surveillance and forcing you to upgrade your PC every X interval like a phone.

Hopefully Microsoft doesn't make any other app become basically unremoveable like Internet Explorer and Cortana.

> I think with Windows 10 being the last version of Windows, ReactOS will eventually catch up.

Windows 10 certainly isn't the "last version" of Windows in the sense you are thinking.

Even if there is no new version number, they could likely just drop that and call it "Windows" from now on. I haven't heard of any plans to discontinue desktop development.

It will just be constantly updated, as we are seeing it now.

Like the major UI revamp in the works codenamed 'Sun Valley', due later in 2021.


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