If you do this, who will develop a vaccine and more importantly TEST it at all?
Private corporations won't, governments would have too and governments would develop in private, evaluate in private and give it to their own citizens, vaccines would become state secrets.
I swear, in the morning of Europe timezones you get these pointless "just make everything free man" comments. I'm starting to think they're trolls or bots.
This argument that patent protections should be suspended has been made quite seriously in several newspapers here in Finland. I don't think these people are trolling.
I do share the reservations about retroactively revoking protections, although I'm not convinced governments could not co-operate on vaccine development.
If the state (any state) would decide on this, we would have not any mRna vaccines because "obviously this new thing will not work and/or is too risky".. Remember that just a year ago the AZ vaccine was the clear front runner. That is also one of the reasons why the EU did not order enough/too late of Biontech.
Private corporations won't, governments would have too and governments would develop in private, evaluate in private and give it to their own citizens, vaccines would become state secrets.
I swear, in the morning of Europe timezones you get these pointless "just make everything free man" comments. I'm starting to think they're trolls or bots.