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Very crappy if you want to cancel after you forgot to get new audiobooks for a few months. You lose all your credit, and they don’t say that during the cancellation process. I gifted 6 months of payment to Audible just because they avoided to inform me about that.

That's rough but on the scale of company bad practices that leans more towards being an oversight than truly malicious. I'm not saying it's an oversight but it's not on the same level as making cancellation take 10 clicks or having only phone support or turning off features when you turn off auto-renew.

Good point actually.

They also have a limit on the number of active credits you can have. I luckily found this out via someone else. But yea that part of Audible sucks massively. But I wouldn't be shocked if you emailed customer support they would just give you the credits, it's Amazon after all. Also, if you sign up and the system doesn't say you're eligble for a 30 free trial, customer support will give it to you. I found that one out when my payment method wouldn't work and I cheekily asked and they hooked me up.

FWIW last time I tried to cancel & still had credits, Audible did warn me I'd lose them if I cancelled (so I quickly used the credits before cancelling - thanks to their generous return policy, shouldn't be an issue if I change my mind about one of the books I chose hastily before cancelling)

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