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More like `pipx install httpie`. To update all python apps : `pipx upgrade-all`. For setting up pipx, you can use a pyenv managed python, like latest version, independent of whatever version is installed on system/distro. And you do this only one time. pipenv is for managing virtual envs not python itself.

`go get` and `cargo build` don't "deply" the binary but merely build it. It's `sudo make install` vs `apt update` all over again. Point is, from the complexity of app management POV, those language don't magically solve anything that python doesn't, not to mention the bigger size of the binaries built with Rust/Go.

I do choose rg/fd/fzf over python-equivalents all the time but I acknowledge that I have to manually keep track of installing/updating these programs.

Ripgrep and fzf have been part of official repos of pretty much all mainstream distros.

> I do choose rg/fd/fzf over python-equivalents all the time but I acknowledge that I have to manually keep track of installing/updating these programs.

No you don't. I'm not sure why you're spreading misinformation. And there is no viable Python equivalent to ripgrep anyway.

I meant, personally, for power utilities, I try to use statically-compiled tools rather than scripts...

What the spreading misinformation part about? :)

Because tools like ripgrep are in your Linux distros package repos. You don't need to update them manually.

Well I'm on Xubuntu 18.04 and none of them are available on official repos and I do manually fetch the binaries from their repos (thanks for your awesome work and for providing `deb`s for rg btw ;) ) but yeah my observation was based on empirical evidence on older distros...things seem to have changed...

https://repology.org/project/ripgrep/versions https://repology.org/project/fd-find/versions https://repology.org/project/fzf/versions

Still I find quite a lot of Rust apps that I like to use but there is not a distro package for them and the repos don't provide a binary or a deb or PPA. At least with Python repos, because of the nature of scripting vs compiled languages, I can simply isolate anything with a simple `pipx install app`

I don't know what pipx is, but `cargo install ripgrep` works.

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