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Is there an option to not install Kite in the first place?

I don't understand your question. Kite doesn't come pre-installed with Spyder. We only show a dialog once informing users that Spyder can use Kite to improve code completions in our editor.

After that, if a completion can't be provided by Jedi but it could by Kite, we show another message, which can dismissed entirely.

Both things don't force you to install Kite, but also show a button in case you want to do it within Spyder.

I have installed Spyder both from its own repo, and using Anaconda, and I don't have Kite. I don't recall doing anything special during installation.

Thanks for the confirmation @buo. There's really nothing special about installing Spyder, i.e. we don't install Kite behind the scenes or anything like that.

The issue isn't it installing Kite, it is the messages about installing Kite that bothered me.

As I said, it's a two times thing, but if it bothers you so much, we could a command line option to disable those messages completely. Would that be ok?

That would be nice, my dev environment gets wiped every night, so I see the message everyday. That and the one time I did install Kite, Kite kept bothering me about buying some enterprise plan.

I do appreciate the work you do on Spyder though!

I’m not sure if it’s really fair to complain about seeing a two time post install message all the time because you effectively uninstall and reinstall the software everyday, or at the least not without disclosing that your environment isn’t what most people use.

I mean, presumably GP has a reason. Adding a command line option, as seems to be happening, strikes me as a perfectly logical solution.

Great! It's too late for us to include it in our next version (4.2.2), but we'll definitely consider it for Spyder 5.0, to be released in April.

Awesome! I also suffer from this -- the public terminals at my university always start from a fresh install and these sort of nags are everywhere.

I really wish more software companies would re-think the startup nags all together. It is easy to say that 'oh we only show it once' but honestly who only installs a piece of software once in their life? I have probably clicked through the onboarding for microsofts browsers literally a thousand times now and I don't even work in IT. A typical user probably at least a dozen if not more, per piece of software...

Thank you for replying to posts on this topic and for all your work on Spyder.

The following is simply an FYI, not a complaint - I am very thankful for all that the open source community does on projects like Spyder.

I've used Spyder for quick tasks for many years but only use it rarely now due to the string formatting in the console.

Just this morning I copied a lot of text from the supplementary data of a paper, pasted it into Spyder, processed it, and output it to a nice tab separated table in the console. In other IDEs, I can copy that output and put it straight into my file and it works perfectly but Spyder now replaces all the tabs with spaces. That might be OK if the output were all numbers but the output has descriptions and then numbers in different columns so I end up having to output to a file instead of the console to get something usable. A minor issue, but it negates the value of a lightweight IDE.

In the past I had a lot of issues with unicode in Spyder where the exact same code worked well in command line python and in other IDEs.

Because of these types of issues I find that I'm better off just going to my heavyweight IDE instead of Spyder even for simple tasks if I don't want to do them from the command line.

You're probably using an old version of Spyder because this problem was fixed a long time ago:


You are amazing, thank you for being so responsive!

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