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What is "proper" condom use?

Honest question, as I pretty much just roll a condom on... Is there more to it?

Well, one other tip would be - hold it on when you ahem pull out. You don't want any spillage.

Also, make sure you use the right size. If it's too tight or too loose - increased risk of breakage or leakage.

Ok, now I'm a bit weirded out by myself. I'm a woman, so I guess I'm deeply invested in proper condom usage.


Yep, I have backup plans galore. I even have a backup plan to my backup plan.

All good here.

Deeply invested indeed. Just make sure you've got a clean exit strategy though!

You didn't get the banana demonstration in high school?

For instance, If you don't leave a reservoir at the tip, it increases the possibility that the condom will break.

There's that tiny reservoir at the tip of the rubber already just for that: you really have to work hard to pull it so tight that the reservoir itself gets stretched all over the tip of your penis.

The bigger problem is that it can capture air as the condom is being put on. The pressure from that captured air increases the risk of breakage. Ergo, 'proper' application involves pinching the reservoir tip as the condom is being rolled on.

Yeah, well, you'd be amazed at the mistakes people will make without proper instruction.

Adding to other comments. Make sure it didn't break. You can try blowing air inside to see. If it broke use an emergency contraceptive.

I'd be a lot more on board with this suggestion if it didn't involve... blowing into a used condom.

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