I don't know Ong's work at all. But I wonder where "lector" culture fits? If someone is reading or reciting to you, is that oral culture? or is dialogue a necessary component?
Really I'm wondering where the divide is between, "you need to talk with me to learn this", and, "you can subscribe to my channel to learn this."
I think a good lecture is always followed by a discussion. So the oral culture may be more inviting to the dialogue, even if it specifically doesn't require it.
Vice versa, we're now contributing to the literal culture by discussion and people have been writing replies to texts forever. However, the ratio of information read to the amount of information discussed is different. It's harder to find people willing to discuss in writing a random piece of text you just read as opposed to discussing verbally what the lector just said.
Really I'm wondering where the divide is between, "you need to talk with me to learn this", and, "you can subscribe to my channel to learn this."