WSB was heavily pushing the "fight against the injust hedge funds" narrative and the way that community speaks is a pretty big indication that they don't normally align themselves with SJWs.
I guess that is how the term is defined by people who dislike them, but I think the core motivation is social progressivism and generally left leaning politics. SJWs are unlikely to favorably compare themselves to 4chan or use the n-word and r-word. I don't think the heart of WSB is particularly political, but it certainly gives off vibes that are closer to the alt-right than SJWs.
Not initially. The early adopters were touting business fundamentals for a very long time. The deal with microsoft, the impending release of PS5 and the new Xbox, all this started the ground swell.
Where this hedge fund idea came from, i'm not entirely sure. I think it was just a game when someone woke up and explained that this massive amount of shorting could not be covered if everyone bought shares. At some point that just spiraled into some altruistic hedge funds are evil marketing thing.