Yes, that functionality is at . I think the problem here is that there's nothing (?) to prevent the user being re-added. The article does state a github employee showed Zed how to do this - no details though
There is nothing to block someone from doing it other than report them for abuse or get a different account and hope they don't find you.
The problem with reporting this as abuse though is the owner of the project wins his little lame-troll attempt. He got you to react, so he's all happy. The only way to really stop it is if people's whole accounts were removed from the site, but then they'd just go make another account and do it again.
Instead, they need to require a confirmation, and/or let you block projects. I prefer the confirmation because you can just ignore it and then nothing happens. A block would mean someone does it and then you have to do work to stop them.
This is the key to the argument here. It seems Zed said "they won't respond to any complaint" and never filed one before he went to DDOS the account and inadvertently the whole site. Seems like poor form from all sides.
I didn't DDOS the site, I did commits that overwrote ones he was doing then tried to break his repo.
Keep in mind that I suspect there's at least one gihub employee in on it and supporting it, so no amount of submitting tickets and begging will get them to change it. If I can't block the guy, and I can't thrash his repo, and I can't humiliate him, and someone at github is in on it, then all I've got left is writing about it and moving on.
Being a collab on a repo has no affect (public or private), other than the fact that it will show up in your personal repo list when you're logged in.
GitHub has also banned users in the past for abusing the service. I'm sure they would have acted accordingly if a complaint was filed.