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I would add to this that the specific sites in question have fairly unreasonable media-queries: The Guardian breaks to mobile at 980px, and Just Eat at 1024px. On my MacBook Pro with default scaling, these are both more than 50% the width of the monitor; i.e. if I size the window to half-screen, I'm in mobile mode on these sites. For reference, in sites I make I usually set the mobile breakpoint closer to 768px (note that this isn't a question of increasing pixel-density on phones; "CSS pixels" are virtualized to approximate the same physical size across devices, though they get affected by display-scaling too).

So IMO it just comes down to some sites doing a bad job of picking responsive breakpoints.

Edit: Out of curiosity I checked MDN, and their media query tutorial has you set the mobile breakpoint at 40em. Default font size at least on desktop is 16px (again, virtual pixels which scale with display-scaling and device size), which comes out to a breakpoint width of 640px: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/CSS_layou...

There's no more a "break to mobile at 980px" than a "break to mobile at 1140px", it's just the one you have a problem with. A responsive site scaling at multiple breakpoints isn't like switching to a mobile site just because it changes its "More" menu to a hamburger. The problem seems to be your choice of hardware coupled with your split-screen window size plus your want of three rows over two at a specific site; remove one and the problem goes away. To me The Guardian is scaling perfectly well and trying to paint it as switching to mobile is disingenuous. I'm amazed reading stuff like this at HN (well maybe not as most "hackers" can't design if their life counted on it). The Guardian is a good example of a perfectly well working responsive website.

Am I missing something or do CSS media queries not solve this problem by providing an actual physical measurement?

What's wrong with using something like: @media (min-width: 8in)

To determine if someone is using a larger screen (or window)?



Seems like 8in is just short-hand for 8*96px. Thanks for nothing, web standards.

You absolutely do not want to scale the page to the same physical size on different screens because you also need to take into account distance between screen and your eyes. Text on phones can be smaller physically than text on a desktop monitor because you hold your phone closer. As an even more extreme example, think of browsing the web on a TV screen while sitting on the couch and how small the text would be if it is physically the same as it is on your phone.

This is more or less what we have at the moment, with DPI scaling ensuring that 16px in CSS roughly is the same amount of physical distance. On a phone with a 2x DPI scaling (like an iPhone), that’ll render as 32 physical pixels.

w3c never wanted to implement physical units [1], saying OS are not reporting screen DPI reliably, etc.

I understand they had to start with something and 20 years ago no one expected thre will ever be monitors with DPI > 96 but I don't understand why the situation hasn't changed yet. Now that we have many physical screen sizes with vastly varying densities.

In my opinion, devices with a screen are like a sheet of paper. Imagine a tablet or Remarkable eink. You can print only that small font on such paper. If the font is too small, we can use a magnifying glass or, in case of electronic devices, clever scaling mode.

If that was implemented, buying a bigger monitor would actually mean we could fit more content, wider newspaper there.

The current situation is just a mess with designers just randomly guessing how it's gonna look on most current devices and using media queries to somehow automagically solve it all. But it is not uncommon to see a website on a huge hi-DPI monitor in such a way that a heading takes 1/4 of the screen height and there are empty unused paddings everywhere. I.e. if you buy a bigger monitor, everything just gets bigger, including most of fonts, unnecesarily. Sometimes all you get is three columns of text instead of one. Sometimes. If media queries are set up reasonably well. But even then, on high-resolution screens there is sometimes big empty space on the left and right side because it is just "highest-width" media query and designers didn't expect you would have so many pixels horizontally...

[1] https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/614

The current situation is not a mess; it works pretty well:

* Manufacturers configure their devices to ship with reasonable default settings, where is CSS pixel is roughly the same apparent size for everyone.

* Users who want content to be displayed larger or smaller can change their device scaling, which then makes their CSS pixels larger or smaller.

* Web developers can write for CSS pixels, knowing the content will display at a reasonable size for the user.

> if you buy a bigger monitor, everything just gets bigger, including most of fonts, unnecessarily

It sounds like you're probably sitting closer to the monitor then expected? Lower your device scaling and things will be a better size in all programs including the web browser.

> on high-resolution screens there is sometimes big empty space on the left and right side because it is just "highest-width" media query and designers didn't expect you would have so many pixels horizontally

I think this is also running into user preferences and design. If I'm reading an article, and there is just one stream of text, I'm quite happy for it to take a 40em strip down the middle of my screen. If the text ran edge to edge it would be much harder to read, because it's hard to keep your place when jumping to the next line.

I think you're conflating "bigger monitior", "higher resolution", and "high-dpi".

> But it is not uncommon to see a website on a huge hi-DPI monitor in such a way that a heading takes 1/4 of the screen height > if you buy a bigger monitor, everything just gets bigger, including most of fonts, unnecesarily.

I don't think this is the case at all? The web and browsers handle DPI scaling incredibly well. I don't think I've ever ran into an issue with it. Remember that Apple has been shipping high-DPI monitors for the past 15 years, and I've never experienced these issues of a website of a website not handling this. More or less, the browser completely abstracts this away - you have to purposefully screw things up to render things at different sizes depending on DPI.

I like the idea of using relative units for media queries but it interferes with people being able to zoom and get the desired outcome.

I have many dissatisfaction for YouTube Music. One of my problem is that the Web hides some buttons/elements like +1 button when the window < 1280px (IIRC) even though there are empty spaces.

iphoneX looks like it has a css px width of 812px. They may also be trying to capture tablets, which are pushing above 1024 css px.

I just checked and the iPhone X has a height of 812px. It has a width of 375px. The regular iPad has a width of 768px, and the iPad Pro has a width of 1024px. So you could be right about them trying to capture all tablets, though a hamburger menu on the enormous iPad Pro sounds just as ridiculous as it does on a vertical monitor

The hamburger is more for "better" touch navigation though. I know these devices work fairly good with standard hover type states now, but the UX could be argued to be better when optimized for touch inputs.

Sizing is another matter entirely, in which I would agree, yea a tiny hamburger menu on an iPad Pro is likely bad. We all have engineering budgets though and in the grand scheme of things, iPads are likely a small fraction of the visitor base for these sites, so I get it.


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