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Launch HN: Zaraz (YC W20) – Use third-party tools without slowing your website
145 points by yoavm on Feb 2, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 84 comments
Hi HN! We're Yair and Yo'av of Zaraz (https://zaraz.com). We make websites faster by loading their third-party stack in an optimized way. By “third-party” we mean utilities or additional products you add to your website (eg. analytics), not things you build your website with (eg. React).

Before we started this we worked on opposite sides of this battle for third-party inclusion: Yair was working for the folks asking to implement just-one-more analytics tool, while Yo'av was a developer trying (and often failing) to push back. Avoiding bloat to begin with would be preferable, but anyone working for even a medium-sized company knows how hard that is - usually when a higher up agrees to try or add a new tool, resistance is futile. Hence the question becomes, can you do it without harming your performance?

The average US top 5,000 website loads 22 different third-party tools - analytics, customer success, marketing and whatnot. We wrote a bot that scanned these websites and discovered that third-parties account for 40% of their “Time to Interactive”, and other metrics like TBT, FCP, FID and CLS were hurt in a similar way. From the user perspective, the page usually behaves exactly the same without these tools (...except 40% faster).

These new metrics are becoming more popular for two reasons. Firstly, users actually feel them - unlike events such as "DOMContentLoad" & "Load" that can be triggered long before the user can actually do anything, these metrics provide a much better proxy to the real user experience. Secondly, with Google soon penalizing slow websites, they're becoming more and more important for SEO. We see the growing popularity of these metrics as a good thing. We want a faster web.

Nowadays, the most common way to integrate a third-party into your website is either to just paste its `<script>` snippet somewhere in your code, or use some "Tag Management" software (awful name!) like Google Tag Manager, Tealium, or even a tool like Segment. All these options pretty much come with the same cost - everything loads by default together with your page, and users just have to wait and wait. If all this slowness doesn't feel so bad on your devices now, remember that much of the world accesses the internet through devices that are probably a lot slower than yours.

We built Zaraz to be a performance-first third-party manager. Each tool is different, but the concept is to run whatever we can on our backend instead of in the browser, leaving it to focus on loading your website. While other solutions serve all your visitors with the same script and then evaluate it in the browser (should we run this conversion pixel? Should we load this analytics tool?) - we do this on our backend. But the real magic is that we created an environment living inside a Cloudflare Worker, that executes the actual third-party scripts instead of having them run in the browser. Google Analytics, Reddit conversion pixel, LinkedIn Insight, you name it - we’re turning all those things into miniature server-side applications that your visitors’ browsers need not to worry about. If a certain tool still needs to fire a request from the browser (eg. it needs to set a cookie), only the resulting URL from evaluating its script will be sent back to the user browser. It’s a server side environment executing third-party code, that you have 100% control over. When we measure the speed of a website optimized with Zaraz, third-parties have close to zero effect on it, because the browser almost does nothing.

We are already serving a few customers in production, and we’re seeing huge improvements in speed (and revenues!) with all of them. Zaraz is probably the easiest way you can make your website faster, today (try our analyzer to see how we can improve your website: https://zaraz.com/analyze). Aside from performance, since we have total control on what data is revealed to our isolated environment, we are using it to help companies protect the privacy of their visitors by masking PIIs, hiding IP addresses, disabling fingerprinting etc. We designed our infrastructure as a set of serverless, storageless and stateless functions - to make sure your visitors data is never saved, not even by accident.

We are currently onboarding mostly enterprises and high-traffic websites, but we plan to introduce a free tier after we are done creating a self-onboarding flow. We are on a mission to make the web faster and we want all websites to benefit from it!

We would be thrilled to hear what you think, and if you have more ideas on how to make websites faster please do share them with us. Thank you!

I'm curious as to whether or not you've studied the implications of executing certain 3rd party tags from a server side context.

I work in ad-tech, and we rolled out a feature much the same as this almost 4 years ago now. The issue is that many tracking scripts rely on 1st party signals (and seemingly, ips) for end-users to capture the full value of their use. Facebook and GAds specifically perform quite poorly when executed in a 3rd party context. Not that they don't track, but that they're often unable to attribute the event to the correct (or any) user. This works against efforts like re-targeting and optimization. In FB's case, their own server-side attribution solution has a "match rate", which in practice is quite low for any event that does not include 1st party information. FB cookies are only available for a subset of active customers as well.

What has been your experience w/ these things?

It's indeed one of the toughest nuts, and also the one reason we don't simply "Cloud Load" all third-parties. It really is a case-by-case thing, but in general we developed some pretty sophisticated loading techniques to overcome exactly this issue. We gave quite a thorough example of how we're loading the Facebook Pixel on https://zaraz.com/engineers. I don't want to just copy-paste it here, but I'd be happy to say more about it if you have any questions. The short answer is yes, it's hard, we don't always do things server-side partly because of this, but we find other ways to still optimize even if some things have to go client-side.

edit: fixing link

Thanks :)

Your approach makes sense, have you managed to validate that these signals are equivalent in-platform (Facebook)? I don't know how deep I should go, but there's also a distinction between events tracked in Events Manager vs those tracked in Ads Manager, as well as a suite of changes w/ regards to Aggregated Event Management (AEM) that's rolling out now.

For your server side integration are you using the Conversion API or are you reconstructing the GET signatures for their FB pixel?

We don't have access to the internals of these system obviously, but we've worked very very closely with some of our customers to make sure nothing weird is happening after switching. It previously required a lot of fine-tuning, now it's usually quite smooth.

For the FB Pixel, we're doing both :) We do use the Conversion API (with the first-party cookie), but we sometimes do reconstruct the GET request on our backend and pass the final URL to the browser to execute. Most tools are not as complicated though.

Congratulations on the launch! I run production workloads on Workers too and there's basically endless potential, especially with their Unbound and Durable Objects product line. There's a tonne of SaaS opportunities to be built on top of those. Excited to see what else you folks add to the current offering.

That said, I'm curious why zaraz isn't a Cloudflare "app" that I can "install" to my website? Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager are already sold on the Cloudflare Appstore by other third-parties and this works for me nicely, as a developer, because most of those are hands-off, straight-forward setups.

So, pardon my bluntness, but as a developer, what is the unique proposition with zaraz versus running these Cloudflare apps (discounting the fact that open source versions exist too) that I'm failing to see?

[0] https://www.cloudflare.com/apps/category/insights

Yeah, can't imagine how we would be able to do this without Cloudflare Workers honestly... It's a crazy powerful tool. As for Apps - I'm not sure I got your question but Apps they are mostly wrappers around other tools, so when we launch a self-onboard process we would definitely consider offering an CF App for easier onboarding. But really, it's not a big difference to our customers because all they need to do is add our one line script. If you meant why use Zaraz to load these tools and not Cloudflare Apps - that's simply because Cloudflare Apps still pushes those scripts into the page and slows it down.

> ...that's simply because Cloudflare Apps still pushes those scripts into the page and slows it down.

Gotcha. This wasn't obvious to someone already familiar with Cloudflare apps (you may want to add that in the FAQ or somewhere).

> ...Cloudflare Workers honestly... It's a crazy powerful tool

I'll keep an keen eye out for what you build next!


Dope idea! Over 7-years, our third-party vendors/services architecture has gotten really complex, and was rebuilt multiple times. It's hard to get right, especially when considering versioning, ad blockers, conditional loading, etc.

For me, this is the kind of "Duhhhh, why didn't I think of that?" idea. I'm sure a challenge will be getting buy-in early enough, since more established code-bases won't make a switch like this casually. But if you're able to prove the value (like Segment) to early-stage products, I'm sure the stickiness and LTV will be super-duper high.

Congrats! Really great idea!

Thank you! That's a very valid point and we've seen this with customers quite often: the thought of changing the whole underlying layer can (understandably) scare people.

We've built a (soon-to-be-completely-)automated process of converting Google Tag Manager containers to Zaraz, and that helps a lot with convincing customers because everything Just Works without them needing to do anything (we also hook to their dataLayer events). For other tools it's still a work in progress, but in general we convert whatever stack a customer has to Zaraz as part of the onboarding process. Honestly that's one main reason why we don't yet offer a free tier.

Yep that all makes sense. I'm sure it's a tough job. For some context, our front end manages just 7 different libraries, but it's a pain to deal with so many edge cases. The worst and trickiest one was definitely ad blocking. We deal with a lot of edge cases whereby we're loading external resources that are not ads, but depending on browser/extension settings, were getting blocked.

This would naturally cause bugs due to our assumptions. So centralizing this logic, I think, could have a direct correlation to revenue.

eg. Stripe JS getting blocked, without us realizing it was for a small % of users.

From what you explained in Facebook examples, your whole domain is likely to be placed on adblock lists, which then has the result of other (non-ad) resources not loading resulting in a broken website.

There is also bottleneck issues with using one place for resource download.

Lots of people don't use adblock lists. Like, lots and lots. That's why ad spends are still so massive. And I personally will turn off my adblocker if it literally breaks the website. I uninstalled on a cookie banner remover plugin because it was breaking websites too frequently. If I'm on a website there is generally a reason I am on there, the only time I won't disable a plugin is if I have pretty much no interest, these are people who you're not going to convert anyways.

No different from Google Tag Manager which is already on every blocklist worth its salt. Putting any non-ad/analytics functionality behind these third parties is a guarantee that your site will be broken on ad blockers.

Your site loads so damn fast on my phone - visibly faster than any other site I’ve opened on my phone (mobile safari). Great job on showcasing your product’s value in such a direct way and congrats on your launch!

That's awesome to hear! It's honestly not crazy hard if you take care of it from day one. We tried our best sticking to SVGs (inlined when it makes sense), using PurgeCSS to clean our stylesheets, server-side rendering, system fonts, and most importantly, an optimized third-party stack ;)

Moving tags & scripts into a server-side application sounds similar to the new Server-Side Container type available from Google Tag Manager. Is there an overlap in the use case, and if so, what are the differentiators for Zaraz?

I do analytics, and would love to have tools available to help customers not load the 200th tag into GTM. I don't think many customers actually want a bloated container, but their marketing team needs a new tag now and they don't have the bandwidth to do proper maintenance. Having a tool I could recommend would be beneficial.

Useful features would be ones for maintaining tags long-term, especially where tagging is done by multiple teams. E.g. error reporting that certain tags report 404's from the vendor because they are malformed, or haven't been fired since June of 2016 because they're for a page that was redesigned.

Great points! GTM server-side tagging is indeed similar to one of our features, Cloud Load. The main difference would be that GTM essentially gives you the server-side capabilities for Google Analytics only, and the rest you have to code yourself. We offer all those integrations out of the box, and we maintain them, so you don't need a dev team to do that.

But more importantly, Cloud Load is only one out of many things we do. A library of facades for your widgets, firing conversion pixels together with the page.unload() event, evaluating which tools should be loaded on our backend instead of in the browser - all these are much outside the scope of GTM, server-side or client-side. We think they're invaluable because at the end of the day, many tools can't be loaded completely from the server. Everything that uses HTTP cookies or is interacting with the DOM would eventually needs to load in the page.

As for long-term maintain tags - since our bundling feature actually sends HTTP requests to your third-parties, we know when they give a 404. We're working on adding the "last fired" date to the dashboard too. Stay tuned! :)

Absolutely incredible if that really works with popular tools like GAnalytics, Facebook Pixel, LinkedIn Marketing Partners and Intercom.

How does it help with Google Ads? What about Prebid?

One note though: I think it's a bit misleading when you say "We support your entire stack of third-party tools " or "We optimize everything for you!", it's obviously not true. Is there a list of integrations somewhere?

Thank you! For Google Ads we use "Cloud Render", meaning we construct the GET requests on our backend and then give the final URL to the browser to execute. Prebid is indeed not supported yet, but we do support all the other tools you mentioned. We overall have about 60 supported tools at the moment and it's growing almost every day. While of course there are other tools in the market that we don't support yet - we add them the moment a customer needs them, so when we're launching with a customer we do absolutely support all of their stack, and we guarantee to add support for future tools they might want later. But apologizes if it sounds misleading - I'll pass that on to the team!

This is a real problem. Marketing tools like Intercom and Fullstory made the Time-To-Interactive metric on our landing page 10x slower. It had a measurable effect on the search engine rankings too.

Faster webpages → better search rankings → $$$$$.

This is very interesting.

For a site that currently runs the standard GA.js, AdWords, FB and Twitter pixels, if they switch to Zaraz, would you expect any numbers to change in GA/AdWords/FB etc...

For example: - Would Ad Blockers handle Zaraz differently? - Would the fact that it's loading in workers mean more/fewer pageviews fire due to load order changes?

That's actually something we did notice a couple of times! Depending your audience, ad-blockers could be causing your data to be missing a significant amount of your visitors. With Zaraz loading those tools on "Cloud Load", i.e., server-to-server, you might end up seeing those visitors again. Also, because everything gets loaded so fast, you do get information from visits that previously didn't make it before the page was closed. This could be a little confusing at the beginning - you might see a higher bounce rate for example, but it's not because more people are bouncing, it's because now you actually know about it. @AlexeyMK wrote a very nice piece explaining this: http://alexeymk.com/2020/07/14/lies-damn-list-and-front-end-...

how does it work? I don't get it. We currently have fb pixel to track e-commerce conversion.

if someone places an order, I call fbq('pay', amount), how can this be achieved with your system?

And what about hubspot's chat window? Mouseflow's screen recording?

Let's say you currently have, for example, a few tools firing after a purchase:

  fbq('pay', amount)
  ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Interaction', eventAction: 'Purchase', eventLabel: amount });
You would replace this whole block with

  zaraz.track("payment", {amount})
This would make one request go from the browser to Zaraz, and Zaraz will handle it from there. It would work without loading fbevents.js, analytics.js, and other tool-specific JS files.

For HubSpot's chat window we deliver a Facade (https://web.dev/third-party-facades/). Screen recording tools are harder to optimize, but we bundle their first JS with our response (saving a request for the browser), and we offer sampling them to only a percentage of your users (or based on some criteria, like not loading them for users with slow connections). We do this rules evaluation on our backend, unlike GTM and other tools that essentially are sending everything to all users and then evaluating things on the client side.

How is this different/more scalable than running google tag manager as async, with the rest of the scripts as defer/async as well.

Not so long ago I side-project fassttt.com and thought the biggest issues are server-side, with bad images and improper caching. Ended up creating a complete minifier/compressor/cdn-enabler.

I since realized the problems are mostly client-side. Cumbersome styling framework and JS rendering engines that are dynamic and VERY hard to optimize.

BTW, if people only care about site-speed score, see https://nitropack.io/ which almost always give you a 100 score.

Unfortunately, when it comes to analytics and conversion pixels, deferring everything isn't really a serious option because it literally means missing data. Essentially all your metrics would be skewed and your remarketing audiences would be missing potential users. But also from performance it isn't great - I came across this website yesterday that did more or less this, and the problem was that because everything was loaded just after the page was ready, things would get super slow the first few seconds you're trying to interact with it.

If someone hasn't stayed long enough to trigger GA, is it really a user? :)

Another option: only delay the scripts the first time user has landed on your page

I think the single script embed is a good path (much better than asking people to change DNS, remove scripts or such). Maybe you can optimize other areas using JS (like images).

Philosophically it's a great question :) I'm not a marketer, but I'm pretty sure that if you'd ask one what they think about losing the ability to do remarketing for all the users who bounced within the first 10 seconds of their visit, they would tell you it's perhaps their most important audience.

We'd definitely be looking to optimizing other areas too, though honestly our approach was more to get rid of as much as client-side JS as possible. There are so many other tools that will help your do your first-party optimizations: images, caching, bundling, but we couldn't find anything that takes care of optimizing your third-party stack while keeping it 100% functional.

Yeah I am confused about this too, 10 seconds sounds like a big exaggeration. Your site should load in 1-2 seconds and the marketing can come the third second. However the page should already be interactive after the first 2 seconds. Doesn't quite need another service.

I know it's hard to believe, but thankfully there are tools to measure this. Try https://web.dev/measure/ and see for yourself - many popular websites reach interactivity after 10 seconds.

Here are a few examples I recently tried:




They run those tests with like 1Mb/s connection though.

Good point - by default Google Lighthouse is aiming at the 85th percentile of mobile connection speed, meaning you can ignore these metrics because you have a faster connection or device, but they are still true for ~15% of your mobile traffic. That's the reality of simply delaying scripts - you'll want to delay them more to achieve faster loading time, but the more you delay them the more data you lose.

This is an amazing product! The war between analytics and experience needs to end.

The entry point on the cost might be a bit high for me to sell to the managers. Sent in for a demo, hopefully that free or lower cost tier comes soon!

shalom from another Yoav. This is such a creative idea! I hate it how much analytics and “secondary” code hurts performance, even when loaded async. Not to mention the potential for added privacy which appeals to me personally. What’s high traffic enough to get onboarded? I’d be really curious to try this out.

Edit: we’re in the 2M visits range, although $950/mo sounds a bit steep... if it gets us to load as near instant as your homepage though, maybe it’s worth it? :)

Shalom to you too! I got your email, will write to you very soon. And thanks for the comment, it sounds like we're aligned on our mission for great performance and user privacy.

"Zaraz" means "now" in Ukrainian. Awesome name to my Ukrainian ear!

And "very quickly" in Polish :)

Interesting (though not surprising) that it has very similar meaning in Ukrainian.

"catalyst" in hebrew :)

Hey good luck with it, this is a genuine problem to be solved. Will give this a spin.

"Nowadays, the most common way to integrate a third-party into your website is either to just paste its `<script>` snippet somewhere in your code, or use some "Tag Management" software (awful name!) like Google Tag Manager, Tealium, or even a tool like Segment"

I feel that this is misleading? Why would I use Zaraz over e.g. Segment? If I am not mistaken, Segment offers Connection Modes which essentially allow you to move the computation and execution of third party scripts sich as analytics and tracking pixel to the server side?

I'd like to understand how you compare to Segment and what your actual USPs are.

What exactly do you find misleading about the quote? Aren't the most common ways to integrate a tool to your website either pasting some JS snippet or using a tool GTM, Tealium or Segment? What are more common ways to integrate third-parties?

One would use Zaraz over Segment simply because it'll make their website faster. I'm not speaking theoretically - we tried this multiple times and it works. I mentioned the reasons on other comments, but to name a few: (1) Segment gives one identical JS file to all your users, and the evaluation on what tool needs to be loaded in a specific page for a specific user is done in the client side. For Zaraz, this is done server-side. (2) Segment is a CDP platform, but Zaraz is a general third-party platform. It works for tools that have nothing to do with CDP, like showing a Google Maps or Youtube embed. (3) Segment either loads a tool using server-to-server communication (Cloud Mode) or regular (which is similar to pasting the JS snippet in your page). Zaraz has a Cloud Render mode that results in JS snippet like behavior, with the speed of not running any JS in the browser at all. This makes many tools way faster than in Segment.

I still don't understand how this works?

Let's say I want to use a RUM script of some service, it will analyze the performance of all of my scripts, and collect some data about the pages the users visit.

Now how the cloudflare worker would do that?

You're right that it's more complicated with Real User Monitoring, and not everything can be done inside our Worker. However, we bundle the content of the RUM script with our response (saving the browser another request), and we make sure it actually arrives only to, let's say, 1% of your traffic, or never to those on 3G. With GTM, Segment, or any other client-side third party manager this would be impossible because the rules evaluation is done in the browser. I don't really recommend running a RUM script for _all_ of your traffic - IMHO it misses the point of giving your users a better experience.

Got it, thanks for clarifying.

Hi, for the speed aspect I just use Google Tag Manager to inject a tag on "minimal user interaction" which is

Scrollstart,touchdown for mobile devices

mousemove for desktop

onfocus for keyboard navigation / screenreaders

and an event that triggers on execution of this tag.

On that event I bind all the third party stuff, mostly with in some trigger group.

So basically it loads late - does not hold up rendering of the site - but also soon if there is interaction with the site.

Here is the Gist https://www.franz-enzenhofer.com/a/gtag-make-faster

So is this kinda the approach zaraz is doing?

Not quite what we do... Delaying everything to when there's an interaction will make your analytics data (including conversions and remarketing pixels) miss a lot of information, and could easily make the browser lag exactly when your users want to interact with the page. It's far from ideal. Zaraz isn't delaying your scripts, it truly is sending less JS to the browser.

I'm a little curious on the methods behind the analyzer tool.

It's nothing special really - we run Lighthouse twice (as a GCP Function) on the URL, and using Puppeteer we simply block third-party scripts from loading on one of the runs. Then we compare the results. While this isn't technically the same as running Zaraz on the page, we consider this to be a fairly accurate estimation of the website would work with Zaraz, because on the majority of cases we manage to load tens of tools with literally no performance impact.

Makes sense... I like the idea behind this, and I really hope your startup catches on. There is a definitely a huge need for it.

I can't tell you how many times I've been tasked with UI time-to-interactive Optimization, only to come to find we have great performance without all of our 3p requests. Yet, business/product/marketing don't understand or care, they want to eat their cake, and have it too. It's a terrible situation to be in when you have to report to a non-technical manager.

PS I think this would be a great open-source standalone tool as well.

This is super interesting. Are you familiar with Yottaa? (https://wwww.yottaa.com). I worked there briefly and there basically isn’t competition outside some CDN script “optimizers”, but none of them really help Core Web Vitals, which seems to be all e-commerce cares about these days. Sounds like your solution does.

Cool to hear from someone who worked at Yottaa! We have seen that solution before, but it seemed like it's mostly timing your third-parties to be loaded with some delay? So more like optimizing when to load a script, but still loading the same script. The website is a little vague. Our analyzer shows that third-parties are slowing their website by 61%, which is way more than the average, so I get the feeling that this doesn't work too well. But yes, you're very right - we're super focused on Core Web Vitals.

I could elaborate more if you’d want to chat. You are correct for the most part, at a high level. They focus on the browser load event.

Would be happy to - I'm reachable at yoav at zaraz dot com. Thank you!

Absolutely love this product, this is such as stupid problem to still exist in 2021 and an elegant solution.

Many of the 3rd party tools described are installed specifically to improve UX and conversion rate - eg measure user behavior, add a chatbot, etc.

And yet these 3rd party tools are unquestionably the largest deficit to load time plus even worse have huge variability.

- - -

Pulling a bit of a copy paste from a previous recent thread but from a "Why, who cares" perspective website (and app) speed are highly correlated with conversion and engagement ->

Google's headline research on the subject says "Improving your load time by 0.1s can boost conversion rates by 8%."

Some add'l data, sourced by Neilsen Group below:

- Google found that increasing the load time of its SERPs by half a second resulted in a 20% higher bounce rate.

- Google found 53% of mobile visits ended if a page took longer than 3 seconds to load.

- Akamai aggregated data from 17 retailers (7 billion pageviews) and found that conversion rates were highest for pages that loaded in less than 2 seconds; longer load times correlated with 50% drops in conversion rates and increased bounce rates, especially for mobile visitors.

- BBC found that for every extra second of page load time, 10% of users will leave.

Here's the best three simple resource illustrating objective third party results from increasing site speed:

- https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/page-load-time-conversion...

- https://wpostats.com/

- https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/performance/more/website...

Here is a more compelling deeper look from a leader in the UX space:

- https://www.nngroup.com/articles/the-need-for-speed/

Here's a really well written article about how to PROVE to the powers that be that site speed is worth testing:


- - - - -

Very excited about this startup, saw on Twitter yesterday and instantly reached out - look forward to testing.

Thanks for the kind words! Yair will follow up soon :)

Despite having 20+ of these tracking and analytics scripts on my employer's website, your analyze tool told me they're slowing down the site by 0%.

I presume it's broken, because that cannot be right.

Same happens here, it tells me that the current performance is 8 while the potential is.. 8 and that "Third parties are slowing down your website by 0%!" while time to interactive is 27.9s and goes down to 21.8. There is clearly some bug in how overall performance is calculated

Could you please let me know what URL you're testing? Either here or email me to yoav at zaraz dot com.

We're generating almost one report per second for two days now, I can assure you that 99% of them are accurate :)

Can you share the URL you're testing? I'd be keen to take a look.

Dropped you an email with the URL, would rather not associate it with my HN username.

Great, I'll follow up!

Saw them on PH yesterday. Really excited about this product

This product should be open-source and we pay for hosting.

Honestly this currently isn't on our roadmap, but we are planning to allow people to build their own server-side integrations, making the platform infinitely extensible and customizable. For now, if a customer wants to integrate some custom in-house tool, we often do it for them.

Isn't it going to be very costly to run this?

How does this compare to Segment?

Segment is great but speed really isn't where it shines. In fact, like GTM, it often adds (a lot) to how slow the website is. CDP and Tag Management software serve one static file to all your visitors, meaning that adding a tool just for one 1% of your traffic, or adding a tool just on one page - still affects all traffic and all pages. Also, we call Zaraz a third-party manager because we aim to support all third-parties, not just customer data tools. For example - we optimize Google Maps widgets, and we also support adding custom HTML so you can integrate tools we don't yet support. Segment doesn't really let you do that, which is why we're seeing many websites using both Segment and Tag Manager, making the website slow.

Zaraz: "soon" in Polish.

Lipstick on pig ?

Off-topic, but I find it funny that the domain you chose means "in a short moment" in Polish... That may not necessarily work for the kind of product you're making. :)

Yeah it was quite hard to find something that works in all languages... In our mother tongue (Hebrew) it actually means "a catalyst", and also we heard that it means "right now" in Ukrainian. But we definitely missed it with Poland. Sorry!

In Ukrainian, "zaraz" means pretty much the same. I would translate it as "now"

In polish "now" is more like "już". Zaraz is a little later, like "i'll do it right away" - "zaraz to zrobię". "Już to robię" - "I'm doing it now". "Zaraz" means "I'm almost finished with my current task and will do that thing next".

It’s a bit off-topic, but as a native speaker of Polish I really like the name of the product, “zaraz” === “soon” in PL.

Now, as someone who worked in ad tech and spent countless hours trying to convince my colleagues to exercise empathy before dumping even more crap on publisher’s sites, I mildly regret that I didn’t come up with this idea myself. Good luck!

That's funny as the meaning in Hebrew (this is an Israeli company) is similar - Zaraz means Catalyst.

funny name "zaraz" I love it, it means "instantly" in Polish

No, "zaraz" is more like "imminently" or "after a moment". "Instantly" would be closer to "teraz".

It sounds a bit like that in Russian as well, but it also sounds a lot like "infection"...

"Zarazek" in polish is "germ", and it's a diminutive form of "zaraza" - "pestilence". Some people joke that "zaraz" is a big bacterium. Also it's not "instantly" (natychmiast). It's a little later than instantly, like "as soon as I finish doing what I'm doing".

it also means 'right now' in Ukranian

Is the name Zaraz from Polish, where it means "after a little bit of time"?

Well honestly the true story is that it was simply a domain that we could afford, but we like to tell ourselves it's coming from Hebrew, where it means catalyst or accelerator.

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