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Scaling TypeScript Compilation (2020) (neugierig.org)
24 points by evmar on Feb 3, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Very few companies have run into the scaling issues described in the article, off the top of my head it’s just Google and Bloomberg. It’s really interesting to see the TypeScript compiler used within another build system with full type-checking and using the compilers emit itself. Most other toolchains use neither and remove the type annotations with Babel, leaving the user to run tsc manually.

If anyone is looking for a simple way to speedup TS compilation for a big project, we use incremental compilation [1]. It does work pretty well, with some caveats when changing between refactoring branches ;)

[1] https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/t...

This goes a bit beyond that, the TypeScript compiler cannot handle the size of the codebase described in the article. Additionally the article describes optimizing further past what tsc can do on its own, requiring integrating with another build system.

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