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> it was like my mind was used to doing nothing consciously at night

I used to stay late and do school projects at night (mostly programming). I always felt my mind is so calm and with no outside distractions I was able to focus very well and be very productive (may not be objective truth at all though).

Was same teens and early 20s. Daytime Has never gone well for me.

I would use full black out blankets, ear plugs and noise canceling headphones with video game music.

Pair programmer was wonderful for me, as it kept me on task and I didn’t give into distractions as easily.

Later diagnosed as ADHD. Medication made a massive quality of life. Up until my body decided that stimulants are invaders and my immune system went bonkers.

> Up until my body decided that stimulants are invaders and my immune system went bonkers.

Have you found anything that gets close to it?? I have quite bad gerd and so taking any medication is a quick way to end up on the toilet but I would love to be able to focus!

I have pretty bad acid reflux and my stomach often would get very acidic by the end of day. (Even if I ate nothing)

Fruit and yogurt helps me a lot.

I think it's because fruit doesn't digest primarily in the stomach, so it moves the pills faster into my intestines.

Not a doctor.

Atomoxetine (strattera) is a non-stimulant ADHD medication that might be tolerated better. Additionally, I noticed that stimulants don't upset my stomach nearly as much if you take it with a substantial meal.

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