well I mostly work remotely, and I have a reputation as someone who can get stuff done reliably.
When I was last in an office full time, commuting on the train a few years ago I'd usually be the first in my team to arrive, and then first to leave - basically trying to do 7:30 to 4 but I'd generally be pretty useless for the last couple of hours of the day.
pro-tip: loop your legs and arms through the handles or straps of the bags you're traveling with to prevent people from stealing them while you sleep
e.g. put your backpack on your lap against your chest and cross your arms through the straps, stick your leg through the loop of a duffel bag handle, etc
What could be dangerous with sleeping on a train? I always sleep on trains and buses, I even change when I go to sleep, so I'm tired when on the train, so I can fall asleep.
M5x7wI3CmbEem10, I first thought you were worried about sleeping too long, getting off at the wrong station
I suppose it's getting robbed? And that you live in a quite different part of the world than me :-/
Just get your work done and don't broadcast loudly how/when you did it. I've worked fewer and fewer hours every year of my current job and my performance reviews all focus on the high velocity with which I work. I've never been asked nor told anyone how many hours a week I log in front of the screen.
(wfh definitely helps with this but even before that, I kept odd/hard to track hours and no one ever questioned me)
sorry, can you detail this a bit more or give an example? if you get a week’s worth of work done in a day and send a pull request, surely they would see that you completed the task much faster.
I hope you work somewhere that code review exists. If you put a week's worth of work into a single pull request, you're probably making it too hard on your reviewer. So I break up my patches into smaller chunks (too small can easily be annoying as well, but I digress). These chunks and the conversations surrounding them can spread out over the rest of the week even though the focused time required to shepherd them along is <<8 hrs a day.