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Oof. Yeah, I am now very glad I got out of that game, does not sound like a nice place.

SPAs were for a specific, narrow, set of use cases where it really didn't make a lot of sense to even have a backend...

Companies don't really have the incentive to build good software, though. Fads and cargo cult 'lets use this popular BS' tend to catch on more when the name of the game isn't software, rather its about pandering to a job market. Outside of sudden and painful corrections that market seems to promote bad engineering, probably because it costs more over time to maintain and thus creates more demand in a 'negative' positive feedback loop...

Trying to legislate it back in by pointing out that most sites are hot piles over garbage that are unusable by anyone with any sort of impediment (physical, technological) seems like a nice idea, I don't see much growth in that area anyways so perhaps it is time for strict law enforcement...

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