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Mmm, pretty sure sea level carbs run rich at altitude. Less air means a need for less fuel for the same ratio. But the fuel side didn’t change because we didn’t rejet, so now too much gets pumped in. If I’m guessing the bikes might have seized at the bottom of the hill instead? Or it just took until the top before the damage was done.

Ahhh, yeah - you're right. I've got it back to front there.

In my defence it's been a long time singe they've been allowed to race motorcycles there. At least 20 years. And now you mention it I do recall bikes seizing at the end of pit straight, right down the bottom of the hill.

In my defence..

In your defense, anyone old enough to remember carbs how work, even if only slightly, is forgiven the occasional lapse of memory. ;-)

Uhhh, thanks. I think.

(And get off my lawn!)

Could the lower air pressure at altitude still end up pushing less fuel in through the jets? It's not obvious to me how this would behave when deviating from normal conditions.

Carbs are half black magic and half voodoo.

If you find someone who _really_ knows how they work, pay them what they ask, and keep going back to them...

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