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Maybe I wasn't clear -- What I meant to say is that the curriculum barely covered <a> tags, but instead started just with JS DOM manipulation, which meant students were using document.location on click events since they weren't taught anything else. This isn't a criticism of JS best practices, instead it's a criticism of how it's taught, specifically in this curriculum that's sold as a white-label curriculum and used by MANY bootcamps across the US. It might even be the most popular coding bootcamp curriculum in the country. It's possible they've improved it since I was teaching it, but definitely it was not the case a few years ago!

Exactly. And sometimes they're not even taught it! But since they also weren't taught the foundations, they also won't know how to "ask" questions. So they end up searching for "how do go to another page using Javascript", which will obviously yield results with window.location.

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