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Oh, YouTube. I'll never understand how they made it such that when you open your subscriptions page it first loads the list of videos, and then, 5 seconds later, shows their durations. Or how the player UI is unresponsive for several seconds after you open a video. That took some special talent apparently.

>you open your subscriptions page it first loads the list of videos, and then, 5 seconds later, shows their durations

Every time this happens I have this horrible feeling that they just removed showing video durations entirely. Which wouldn't even surprise me, I could imagine them doing some stupid A/B testing to discover they got more people clicking around when durations were removed.

But regardless, it's insane that one of the biggest sources of internet traffic on the planet is software that can render a bunch of images (thumbnails) but it takes several seconds to display a few characters of text on them. I don't know if they're grabbing durations as a separate API call, or if that's just how slow their JavaScript is. Either way, it's pathetic.

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