This applies even to the internet "cesspools" really. Most of my friends were/are regular posters on reddit/4chan, and they are surprisingly normal. All of them have decent jobs that pay well, some are married. If you met them in real life, you couldn't really tell there's something wrong with them.
They seem a far cry from what internet tells you a 4chan user looks like. Funny enough, none of them (including me) are white.
> you couldn't really tell there's something wrong with them.
Okay, but is there? The way you're phrasing it sounds that merely posting to 4chan makes them abnormal.
The other way around is true: there's an unusually high share of abnormal people on 4chan. Just posting there shouldn't be a sign of abnormality. It's just a Mongolian basket weaving forum after all.
They seem a far cry from what internet tells you a 4chan user looks like. Funny enough, none of them (including me) are white.