I'd like a drive to store data 100, 200+ years into the future and have it have a reasonable chance of getting that data
That's flat out impossible given current drives. So many mechanical parts. So much to go wrong, such as air seals, bearings, etc. Even if the drive survived, will you be able to connect to its interface? No!
If you want to store data for 100 years, you will need to copy that data over, approximately every 5 years, onto the then current storage medium.
That's flat out impossible given current drives. So many mechanical parts. So much to go wrong, such as air seals, bearings, etc. Even if the drive survived, will you be able to connect to its interface? No!
If you want to store data for 100 years, you will need to copy that data over, approximately every 5 years, onto the then current storage medium.