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90%+ of Alphabet employee donations go to one party [1]. So, that affiliation.

[1] https://www.govpredict.com/blog/alphabets-political-contribu...

That's employee donations. Donations from Google are nearly evenly split most years [1].

[1] https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs...

Previous CEO of Google essentially worked for Hillary Clinton campaign in the 2016 elections.


Its well established the educated tend to vote left. This is not the same as affiliation

I’m not going to pretent to under the US politician system, but isn’t kinda weird that the employees of a single company almost exclusively vote the same way?

Doesn’t that show a huge lack of diversity?

In any country where voting preferences are strongly correlated with education (like the US, where it's particularly strong, but this effect exists in most places to some extent) you'd expect this sort of thing when looking at a company that generally mostly hired highly educated people.

_Age_ is likely also a factor. Google's employee base would be younger than many companies, but in general employees of most companies would be likely to vote more for the left in the US than the general population, because people above working age are more likely to vote for the right.

The only care about diversity as a tool to further their own agenda. Countless examples of big tech attacking or ousting diverse people who voiced their own opinion that was contra to the narrative.

I dont know why you think the overall donation rates of an entire company of employees is the same thing as the voting rates of individual employees. The article notes that Eric Schmidt is one of the largest donors that are included. The article makes no claims as to the relation to amount donated per employee who even bothered to donate.

Exit polls for the 2020 election show that there was an almost 50/50 split between Biden and Trump across multiple ascending education levels, the only exceptions are those with a postgraduate education, who voted 62/37 for Biden/Trump.

This graph[0] shows that there's a difference between college degree vs no college degree.

[0] https://www.statista.com/statistics/1184427/presidential-ele...

The graph (or at least its legend?) appears to be paywalled.

(...OK, it looks like they will let you view it for free, but only if you sign up, aka let them sell your personal data.)

I’m educated. I don’t vote left or right typically even though my vote is pointless in California, does that make me uneducated now?

Clearly there is a logic flow problem if you equate "educated means you tend to vote left" == "not voting left means you're not educated"

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