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That doesn't tell the story. Autopilot is essentially forced off for anything but highway, so they are missing the most dangerous but are racking up millions of the least dangerous miles quick.

I can't actually find anything suggesting that the most dangerous roads are not highways. I really tried. Perhaps there are more small accidents on local roads, but they would tend to be less dangerous. The evidence suggests that highways are significantly more fatal[0].

Also, Autopilot is not essential forced off for anything but highways. That is just factually incorrect. Notably, straight-aways are where Autopilot works best and are the most dangerous by crashes.[1]

I found data suggesting that a lot of accidents happen because people rear-end stopped cars at intersections[2] and issues with navigating intersections[3]. That is an area where Autopilot is pretty great today.

0: https://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/People/PeopleAllVictims.aspx (see last table)

1: https://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/Vehicles/VehiclesAllVehicles.... (see last table)

2: https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/when-and-where-do-car-acci...

3: https://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/Vehicles/VehiclesLocation.asp...

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