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Seriously watch every Alan Kay (not the survivalist) video on youtube, you will not regret it. It's practically criminal that they have such low view counts.

Seriously, this video made my day and I am searching for more. I basically think of it as a "how computing stacks should be" talk. Also just launched GNU Smalltalk on the side and looking for a good tutorial, by the way.

Pharo [1] is probably the best place to start for Smalltalk in 2021

See also glamorous toolkit [2] for more immersive programming.

[1] https://pharo.org/

[2] https://gtoolkit.com/

I post this video from time to time, and sometimes it gets traction / discussion.

It's good to see that the way to really get it noticed is to present the contents in order as this guy has done.

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