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Thanks, I had a lot of discussion with my founder about funding. Until now, I'm happy we did it bootstrap.

To answer your questions: Model: B2B, mostly public educational institutes with 10k+ students. ARPU: would be dumb to shared, but just under the EU tender limit, so sales cycles are reduced to minimum. LTV: That's a hard one when you sell yearly contracts and less than 10months old. But from what we see, schools are very loyal customers. Marketing: Lol, we have a website that we made with a 20$ template. It's all word of mouth and cold calling

> I had a lot of discussion with my founder about funding. Until now, I'm happy we did it bootstrap.

You'd have great luck with rolling seed stage funds like https://shl.vc/ and showcase events like https://mercury.com/raise

If you plan to not go down the traditional (go big or go home) VC route, then, check out these (go slow and go steady) funds: https://indie.vc/, https://tinyseed.com/, https://earnestcapital.com/

(not an endorsement)

Well now I am even more impressed, because I think I managed to sell to two or three universities in the EU, and even there I'm effectively losing money because of all the hoops one has to jump through.

Again, congratulations, I'm really happy for you and wish you all the best.

I work at a university, drop me a line, details in my profile.

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