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Congrats, thats some impressive growth in a short time.

If you want to know what not to do, I'm happy to chat, email in my profile. I've made almost every possible mistake in the last 20 years ;-) Despite all the mistakes my current company is a couple of stages past the 250k ARR and I'm on the right track.

In the end most advice in this situation is not rocket science, like for example:

- reserve time to work on your business, not just in your business

- build a team, not a group of individuals

- leadership becomes important in this stage, start reading on the subject, there is a ton of information available.

And most important, try to enjoy the ride. There is not one big moment you are working towards, it's all the little moments that mather.

I'm probably not understanding something. How is $250k ARR enough to build a team with? I would think you would need to be a magnitude higher at least to support a team off of that, especially if you are bootstrapped and have no cash reserves.

At $250,000 with one tech and one sales founder in place with a stable product and no backlog of required features you could go several ways.

8 killer sales agents. Part salary say: 24k commission 25% of new contracts or

2 killer sales agents. 95k 2% commission or

1 marketing person 75k and two killer sales agents 75k plus 10% commission

50k+ could pay for everything else provided no rent is involved.

I agree that $250k ARR is not an revenue level to build a team around. But $250k ARR in 10 months, makes it very likely that it will be far over $500k in another year.

This means that the next 12 months one of the priorities will be building a stable team to support the growing customer base. Depending on the vision and the pace they widh to grow, this can be focussed on more sales, more engineering, more support, etc.

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