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To which some of us older Americans would say, "Which one is the centimeter?" It's so hard for me to think in metric.

so the question is: what's worse - imperial or 1-based index?

Imperial, because of it's vagueness people use other measurements as well. Something is x stories high. Something is a "stones throw away".

Though i do appreciate Fahrenheit for how it scales with humans. 0 is really damn cold, 100 is really damn hot, while in Celcius 0 is kinda chilly and 100 is instant death.

>100 is really damn hot,

It's actually supposed to be the body temperature. Due to imprecise measurements, it's actually having a light fever. Flip note: C scales the same - 0 is the water freezing point, and then you have the same scaling as F but in 5s instead of 10s. [and you gotta remember: (f-2pow5)*5/9].

That's an old debate, yet if you are born/used to C, F is pretty horrific.

I forgot to mention that I'm Swedish and use C daily, I just think the F scale makes more sense for humans

100C isn't instant death, see sauna. Maybe you compare 0C air and 100C water so to be fair, 0C water is maybe death within dozen of minutes

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