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That's because hours are announced as points in time, while days are seen as time intervals. The duality intervals/separators is essential to the different ways to understand ranges (specially for range differences).

I once developed a shortcut notation to simplify reasoning about ranges differentiating between "point cero" and "interval between 0 to 1", to make off-by-one errors less likely, but in the end it was functionally equivalent to the popular open/closed interval notations.

If anyone is interested in a notation for this kind of integer ranges, the two different styles in the above example could be represented like this:

   /9..10\  : "short" interval : size 1 (hour)  ==  half-open interval [9..10)
 -|20..21|- :  "long" interval : size 2 (days)  ==  closed interval   [20..21]

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