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Show HN: RSS Feeds with News from AWS (cloudnews.dev)
60 points by matthieuchabert on Jan 19, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

AWS actually isn't that bad when it comes to RSS feeds: Their official blog offers an RSS feed [1], but even better: each of their forum sections [2] offers a (quite hidden) RSS feed with all announcements in that section, which is quite handy if you're interested in news for a particular service only. For example here is the RSS feed for S3 announcements: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/rss/rssannounce.jspa?forumID=2...

[1]: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AmazonWebServicesBlog

[2]: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/

My team pipes some of these feeds along with others that we care about into a Slack channel. It works really well for staying on top of new releases.

I've done the same thing for a while on Slack subscribing to this feed to get notified about all new announcements: https://aws.amazon.com/new/feed/

A little noisy at times but it has definitely helped me keep up to date on things.

Well I always thought AWS had only one RSS feed for all their news thus parsing the feed and making this page. I did not know about a feed for each section. Thank you!

This is cool, and closes a huge loop for me.

Before joining Amazon in 2002, I built and ran Syndic8, a side project site that collected, polled, and organized RSS and Atom feeds for easy discovery. In addition to the web UI, Syndic8 featured a comprehensive web service API, powered by the then-popular XML-RPC protocol.

Syndic8 was built on PHP and MySQL and hosted at a colo provider. I was never able to scale beyond a single instance at my colo, and have sometimes thought about how I would rebuild the site today using EC2, S3, DynamoDB, and so forth.

My operational experience with XML, RSS, and web services was (I was later told) a deciding factor in the decision to hire me.

Thanks for your comment. It put things in perspective, i was 5 years old in 2002.

Nice implementation of RSS! I am dogfeeding something very similar to this.

I actually wanted to see how fast i could set up something similar and this is what i came up with : http://cloudnews.sapico.me/ ( i will delete it soon fyi)

AWS: http://cloudnews.sapico.me/Home/ByTag?Name=AWS

Azure : http://cloudnews.sapico.me/Home/ByTag?Name=azure-devops

GCE: http://cloudnews.sapico.me/Home/ByTag?Name=gce

Cloudflare : http://cloudnews.sapico.me/Home/ByTag?Name=cloudflare

You're layout is way more organized and "use-case" specific though! Very nice

Just a heads-up though. I didn't see a monetization strategy behind my side-project and it does a lot more than what is "shown" now.

That's a great demo! Thank you for sharing it.

I especially like "your tags" feature.

I would like to see the ability to only get news are available for my aws region Frankfurt (or globally such as Cloudfront). I really don't care that service XYZ is now available in AWS GovCloud. I would like to get news regarding new services and be able to easily remove them if they are not interesting to me (e.g. Microsoft SQL).

But I have to be honest I would not spend money on it.

I'm building Cloudnews [0] to solve that.

You can already subscribe to specific products (Lambda, CloudFront, etc) and get news via email or into Slack.

I'm currently building the option to mute certain aws regions as you said.

For now we only support AWS but Azure and GCP are coming soon.

[0]: https://www.cloudnews.dev/

Long live the RSS!

If you looking for a niche feed, you might want to check out a general purpose feed generator rss-proxy [0]. It even supports JavaScript rendered pages.

[1] https://github.com/damoeb/rss-proxy

I love this RSS movement resurrection.

As formats, RSS and Atom are bad. JSONfeed is better, but still not ideal. The NinJS format (News In JSON) is pretty much ideal, but no one uses it, sadly.

it never really went away

https://awsapichanges.info was my foray into this, as a developer centric view that shows the actual api changes with method parameter diffing, also with RSS feed.

Think about making these feeds realtime with Websub :)

Nice. I use AWS and GCP. Any plans to add GCP support? They support individual RSS feeds per Service.

This looks dope! What UI framework did you use?

Thanks! I use a CSS framework called TailwindCSS


Nice product

merci :)

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