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Probably more like stab them with the spear he was carrying, or probably some of the people who were carrying guns, or potentially the noose hanging outside. Gaddafi wasn't shot with a gun. He still seemed to die when a crowd of people who hated him got a hold of him. A cop was beaten to death in front of the Capitol. You don't need a gun to commit violence.

And that's what the point of this was. Terrorism to push more of Congress to not certify the election.

Yeah I imagine the headline in the New York Times next morning - "Horned Viking Guy stabs 435 members of Congress with a spear and crowns himself King of the United States. All Hail our new King!".

> or probably some of the people who were carrying guns, or potentially the noose hanging outside

Or you just inventing this whole thing out of thin cloth. Because the only shooting was done by very much armed - with handguns and riles - Capitol Police, who we see aplenty on the videos, and who used these guns to shoot a women that didn't pose any threat. Now this needs justification so we hear tall tales about stabbing Congressmen with a spear (good thing he didn't have a fully semiautomatic longbow!)

> A cop was beaten to death in front of the Capitol.

He wasn't "beaten to death". He was hit with on the head once (presumably, it's still not known what exactly happened, and AFAIK no medical documents had been published), returned on his own to the headquarters, and then later developed a blood clot and suffered a stroke (presumedly due to the injury), which ultimately lead to his death. This is still despicable - nobody should attack cops, and the person who did it should be prosecuted for it, but it's not likely whoever struck him even intended that outcome. Even less sense makes to pretend like the people that were at Capitol intended to tear everybody they meet apart and stab them with spears. Surely, some of them clashed with the police - which has been routine circumstance at "mostly peaceful" protests the whole year, most unfortunately - but making it into some kind of SEAL Team 6 aiming at assassinating the Congressmen is pure baloney. It is just fascinating what nonsense people are ready to believe in when their partisan views demand it.

> Terrorism to push more of Congress to not certify the election.

The word you looking for is "protest". If you work for the media, then "mostly peaceful protest". That happened many times in US history - including occupying government buildings in the process. In Wisconsin, State Capitol was occupied for 17 days in 2011. And yes, they did it to change the actions of legislators. Nobody called it "terrorism" or "insurrection" - because it wasn't, neither then not now.

Well, I imagine he wouldn't have stabbed 435 of them as over one hundred were doing exactly what he wanted -- not certifying the election. And you're right, murdering a few members of Congress isn't likely to just completely overturn the government. It'll certainly continue to destabilize things though, I don't think I'll have to try and explain why murdering members of Congress while they move to certify an election would be destabilizing to political processes but maybe I will judging by how this conversation is going.

I'm also not inventing the whole thing out of thin cloth. People were arrested with caches of firearms near the Capitol. There is video evidence of gallows being constructed out front. You're ignoring reality to suggest these things never happened. These aren't fake reports, these are some of the few indictments which have so far been unsealed. I don't watch cable news, I don't get all my news from blogs. I read court documents. I read actual statistics. Go read the real, raw data.

As for the cop, it seems like you'd also argue car accidents don't kill people its the internal hemorrhaging that happens from completely unknown causes. Clearly the people beating the cop didn't intend to cause him harm, that's just how they say hello! You seriously think the protesters beating him with metal pipes didn't intend to cause him harm and potentially kill him? Do you go around being friendly and start hitting people in the head with metal pipes?

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