The contrast between Gauss-Jordan[0] and the Bareiss algorithm[1] is a good example of explicitly handling the length of the numbers in bits as part of the runtime.
Gauss-Jordan is O(n^3) if you consider addition and multiplication to be constant-time, but if it operates on arbitrary-precision integers, it can get exponentially slow[2].
The Bareiss algorithm avoids this worst-case behavior by choosing the pivots in a slightly more involved manner, which avoids building up large intermediate values.
Gauss-Jordan is O(n^3) if you consider addition and multiplication to be constant-time, but if it operates on arbitrary-precision integers, it can get exponentially slow[2].
The Bareiss algorithm avoids this worst-case behavior by choosing the pivots in a slightly more involved manner, which avoids building up large intermediate values.
[0]: [1]: [2]:, Section 3.1's "Construction A" is a specific matrix that exhibits the worst-case behavior.