The top two entries are dense modernist classics that only so many try to read. At third is Don Quixote. My stepmother remarked that pretty much everything that anyone mentions about Don Quixote comes from the first hundred pages or so.
The Iliad: "The Iliad is an epic poem in dactylic hexameters...". Yep. Somebody, somewhere, must have translated it into dactylic hexameters in English, but I can't think who that would be: it is not a handy meter for English.
The top two entries are dense modernist classics that only so many try to read. At third is Don Quixote. My stepmother remarked that pretty much everything that anyone mentions about Don Quixote comes from the first hundred pages or so.
The Iliad: "The Iliad is an epic poem in dactylic hexameters...". Yep. Somebody, somewhere, must have translated it into dactylic hexameters in English, but I can't think who that would be: it is not a handy meter for English.
I think the algorithm needs some work.