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Working on two things. During the day I am (almost) a solopreneur and building shipit [1] - a tool for people to help visualize their product plans and connect these to company goals. There is a fair share of competition here, but all of the existing tools are extremely broad (think Jira vs Trello), and when you just start using these it's hard to figure out what to do first. Trying to solve that issue by keeping shipit super simple and avoiding feature bloat.

While I try to keep the blog relevant to the target audience, every now and then a technical post slips in:

- encrypting sensitive data in the database [2]

- using checlists for testing the build before release [3]

- moving from software engineer to product manager [4]

To avoid burning out, in the evenings I also build a remote-controlled car that uses 4 independent motors and is controlled by PS3 joystick. I got inspired by the video showing torque vectoring [5] in Rimac, and wanted to build something like that too. There's also an old project called Aelith [6] doing similar thing. I'm still in the early stages, and experimenting with 3D-printed motor mounts. When that is ready, will move to the software part.

[1] https://www.getshipit.com

[2] https://www.getshipit.com/blog/securing-data-at-shipit/

[3] https://www.getshipit.com/blog/software-checklist-testing/

[4] https://www.getshipit.com/blog/from-software-engineer-to-pro...

[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD2Do1gAuog

[6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET1HEyqEQJQ

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