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I'm 33, been in the software game for a while now. The most recent 3 of those years at FAANG earning a hefty salary. Maybe it's just COVID-related depression or something, but I don't feel the joy I used to feel from coding. I look at the next level on the promo ladder and think... what's another $XXXk in RSU's going to change about my life? I need a change.

I recently started tinkering on the beginnings of a no-code eCom brand that I'd like to build up into a "lifestyle business" a la 4-Hour Workweek. I can't share much about it yet because I'm still researching my market segment, but I'm reading and learning a lot about product design, branding, and business that I never gave much thought before.

It's not the unicorn dream that many on this site have, but there are a lot of single digit millionaires living their best life off this kind of business. I'd like to join them.

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