It describes the general attitude of the community; go to /r/javascript or /r/webdev and mention jQuery (...if you're brave enough) and you'll get those kind of responses, often accompanied that you should be using "modern tools". Then mention multi-megabyte JS bloat and you'll get those kind of responses as well, in the very same thread, and the very same people will be argueing both points at the same time.
While your points might be true, you are arguing how there are hypocritical and dishonest people somewhere else.
You are also putting a heavy burden of proof on your readers: it generally sounds implausible that exactly the same people would complain about <100kiB being bloat and >1MiB not for the same use-case, but I am not going to go and fact-check that (with the implausibility of the claim, I would expect you to give direct pointers yourself or will simply distrust your claim).