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From the article:

>> One ex-employee says there is effectively a glass ceiling for European workers.

> About 30% of students at my university in Berlin are foreign, coming from mostly Asian, Arabian, and American countries... This "us vs. them", or more accurately "US vs. them" attitude needs to stop.

Except they're not going to change. You (i.e. us) are just going to lose. How many European students are enrolled in elite institutions in China, India, Middle East, etc, at the host country's expense, who will then take coveted positions at foreign firms in those countries? 30%, lol?

In the US, they created this backdoor "Opt" work visa (which they're desperately trying to expand) that allows hundreds of thousands of foreign students to stay in the US once studies are finished and compete for jobs. Oh, and they don't pay various retirement taxes, so companies get an immediate 15% incentive to hire them over American students.

Only white Europeans and Americans are told they must bend over backwards to allow other cultures and ethnicities to advance while the rest of the world takes advantage of our self-inflicted stupidity and laughs at us while they surge past us.

You've been indoctrinated by various interest groups, none of whom actually have your interests or those of your country in mind.

It looks like you've been using HN primarily for political battle. Can you please not do that? It's against the rules (https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html) and it's the line across which we start banning accounts (https://hn.algolia.com/?sort=byDate&dateRange=all&type=comme...), regardless of which politics they're battling for. This is because it destroys what HN is supposed to exist for, which is curious conversation on a wide range of topics.

> In the US, they created this backdoor "Opt" work visa (which they're desperately trying to expand) that allows hundreds of thousands of foreign students to stay in the US once studies are finished and compete for jobs. Oh, and they don't pay various retirement taxes, so companies get an immediate 15% incentive to hire them over American students.

First, OPT is not a visa. Optional Practical Training participants are mostly F-1 visa holders. Per IRS rules[1], the social security tax exemption "does not apply to F-1,J-1,M-1, or Q-1/Q-2 nonimmigrants who become resident aliens." And per IRS rules [2], you are considered a resident aliens if you pass the Substantial Presence Test [3], which states, "31 days during the current year, and 183 days during the 3-year period that includes the current year and the 2 years immediately before that." Now how many students can get an OPT job and still fail this test?

The US immigration policy is not perfect and has holes. But attracting foreign talents to stay and work in the US is the baby, not the bath water.

[1] https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/fore... [2] https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/dete... [3] https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/subs...

No doubt this gets downvoted to oblivion lol. The simple question is... why does a country like China get to stay homogenous and barely educate foreigners, and yet they send all their best to get educated in the west and then most go back and implement the fruits of their knowledge in China. Then this empowers a CCP security/warfare apparatus that will eventually destroy the west.

The kumbaya people are so naive.

> Only white Europeans and Americans are told they must bend over backwards to allow other cultures and ethnicities to advance while the rest of the world takes advantage of our self-inflicted stupidity and laughs at us while they surge past us.

I can understand your argument if you say education in Europe should be paid for some people as residents of the country pay taxes. You don't have to be vitriolic to make that point.

> You (i.e. us) are just going to lose.

How? What is "their" end-game? At worst "they" cost us like 3,000 euro/semester in tuition, which is virtually nothing.

At best the people that came here stay, adding skilled labor to our workforce.

At the very least Germany gets a solid boost to foreign relations, established a foundation for international corporation in research, and educated a generation of people who have seen the other side of the pond, while remaining less ignorant ourselves. There's a reason Germany is diplomatically one of the best connected countries.

You can hardly buy a measly frigate for your navy for what this costs us, and I know which is more useful for enacting meaningful change.

Also, personally, I value the experience of interacting with students from other nationalities a lot.

> In the US [...]

And? This is not the US.

> You've been indoctrinated

Yeah, right.

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