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I would love for someone to explain why they are downvoting you. It's a solid comment that is true in many industries.

I imagine because it _is weird_ to request employees to anonymize in public to prevent potential violence against the employees.

Yeah but that's not what downvoting is for. It cannot be surprising or offensive that not everyone in the tech _world_ has tied their identity up with the company they work for that they don't want to broadcast it - or that (as in this case) many organisations consider it better from a business/safety perspective to forbid it.

Of course, it is a sad state of affairs that it could attract violence. Someone is always going to disagree with what you do regardless of what it is, but it's a shame that that itself leads to violence.

It was common in Northern Ireland - if you where considered a "crown agent" and where considered a valid target for the PIRA or UDA

A few years ago There was massive fuss when BT started putting the company logo on the carpark stickers.

And some "engineers" (linemen) have been assaulted by anti 5G cranks in the UK not sure if the same has happened in the US

In the 1970s this was a thing in England too, for the same reason. My Dad was advised to check his car for bombs and he wasn't anybody important.

Not weird, just .. different.

The really disappointing thing is that I've heard some medical staff get this advice to protect themselves from angry COVID-denyer protests outside hospitals.

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