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You seem to be assuming that intelligence and IQ are the same thing. Is that what you meant?

Just to be clear, I believe in speaking frankly about race, so am not objecting to that aspect of your post. But I'm skeptical of attempts to bottle up something as grand as "intelligence" into a single metric. For example, I read somewhere that the original Stanford-Binet had to be modified because women were scoring higher than men (so it obviously needed correcting). That's a pretty compelling detail, if true.

(I don't remember where I first read this, but a little Googling brings up http://www.beyondsatire.us/?q=node/18, which is hardly definitive but does have an interesting author.)

Intelligence is certainly very complicated. For the sake of this discussion, I was taking intelligence to be "intelligence as defined/measured by IQ tests". Perhaps I was being sloppy and should have used a different word.

"Intelligence as defined/measured by IQ tests" is just a verbose way of saying "IQ".

Intelligence is a grand notion indeed. Check out the notion of multiple intelligences


IQ scores are useful for assessing mostly logical intelligence, and to some extent visual spatial intelligence.

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