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I'm guessing you've made no attempt to look into the specifics of the legal challenges that have been successfully waged against voter ID laws. In particular, " and ID that is freely available at no cost to all citizens" is something that many states have failed to provide as part of their voter ID laws.

And the context surrounding these laws is relevant, because in many cases the discriminatory intent is plain as day. The assumptions you're making about how universal photo ID requirements are in day to day life fall apart when you consider the specific demographics that have been targeted.

Taken together with the fact that these voter ID laws notionally address a problem that is only barely more than hypothetical, it's impossible to see these laws as anything other than political grandstanding and attempted voter suppression. They are much worse than merely being a solution in search of a problem.

It is possible to present the general idea of voter ID requirements as a harmless, well-intended security measure—as your comment attempts. But even the most cursory investigation into the specifics or history of voter ID in the US reveals that it is not harmless, does not solve a real problem, and is backed by malicious intentions. Which is why any "innocent" attempt to support the idea cannot be taken at face value. That well has been poisoned by an overwhelming volume of disingenuous propaganda.

Feel free to cite what states have passed Voter ID laws and have no freely available ID's

Most states have had Free State ID's for longer than voter ID.

>>That well has been poisoned by an overwhelming volume of disingenuous propaganda.

There has been disingenuous propaganda on both sides of this debate you seem to only be able to recognize one side though

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