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I think the median case is exaggerated on both sides. But both sides are gradually radicalizing. One probably doesn't want to bump into extremists from either side. Both are overhyping their respective persecution complexes. Both are using extreme events and individuals to try to justify extreme behavior in non-extreme median cases. When neither events nor individuals are mentioned, many of the complaints people raise can be applied to either side.

I do agree that the left lacks self-awareness of how much it behaves just like a religion -- I moved away from my religious home state to try to get away from dogma, and just found another breed of it. The right lacks self-awareness of how much influence it still has.

Both lack mutual awareness of how to relate to one another, and that's something we need to work at from all sides. Neither side has 100% of the "truth", whatever that might be.

I don't really know what a solution looks like, but I do know that it has to start somewhere, maybe with believing that an amicable solution is even possible. We've spent a lot of time airing grievances. What do we want to happen next? Would you (and others reading) be willing to help brainstorm some ideas to try to bridge the divide?

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