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At the beginning? Exactly like this.

Yeah. We should have started crushing the alt-right years ago, honestly. It's pretty sad how smart people get sucked into these conspiracies and start following dear leader so quickly.

Can we not say the same of the Alt-Left too? Well over 100+ days of violence and destruction in major cities across the country... that's not acceptable either.

At the extremes, both sides are the same.

It is notable, however, that we did see 100+ days of political violence from the Alt-Left, billed as "Mostly Peaceful Protests", and a singular event from the Alt-Right and the entire country is up in arms.

If we care about one, we must care about the other with equal vigor.

Political violence is never okay, even if it is your side.

I am all for giving everyone in the right, a number tattoo so we can keep them under control, and maybe put them in specific locations around US and the world so their influence in a normal and joyous society won't be a problem for us common folks.

What do you think?

Oh yay, a totally obvious "tattoo the jews" comment. The nazis are on the alt-right side, buddy.

Good point - We'll go for a FDR style internment camps instead.

Who? The guy who followed the laws, albeit creatively? Or the mob that is canceling diverse thoughts on imputed pretexts?

Rewind a little more and just about anything is what fascism looks like “at the beginning”.

The official east German name for the Berlin Wall was "Antifaschistischer Schutzwall". This is what communism looks like. Call anything and everything you don't like fascist, and use the scaremongering to instate tyranny.

And your comment is better? Yet another person calling everything more left than the middle communist.

People really have no clue what communism is, astounding.

Hitler owned a dog.

I wouldn't go so far as to call Twitter Fascist. Authoritarian and repressive, perhaps, but their ideology is pretty different.

I think he called Trump facist

Perhaps my sarcasm was not obvious enough.

I have real trouble spotting non-phonetic sarcasm

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