The routes seem to be in countries that are not locking down as strictly.
Also the Asian routes tend to be routes that are not competitive by HSR for various reasons (Vietnam and Indonesia don't have any, Saudi Arabia's route is not connected via HSR); Bali and Jeju are separated from the other end of their trips by at least one large body of water with no land connection; Beijing, Shanghai, and the PRD are all way too far from each other on HSR to be competitive, as is Tokyo-Sapporo. That leaves Tokyo-Osaka, which is on the list primarily because even with HSR winning the mode share in that market the two metro areas are very large. (34m and 12m respectively, 21m if you count all of Kobe-Osaka-Kyoto)
Most of those routes, with the exception of Jakarta-Bali, are in countries that have managed the virus well enough to avoid recurring/permanent lockdowns like in the US and Europe.
When Asian countries had to lock down, they were super strict. See Da Nang (Vietnam) in August.
The strict health response also needs to be fast enough to actually have an effect.
NYC had very strict measures in its first lockdown but because of the timing it was closing the barn doors after the horse left. If you get bad, it doesn't seem possible to revert to much lower without an extremely long, extremely strict lockdown (Wuhan was 76 days, for which you couldn't even really leave your home and party cadres were running food for people.)
Also the Asian routes tend to be routes that are not competitive by HSR for various reasons (Vietnam and Indonesia don't have any, Saudi Arabia's route is not connected via HSR); Bali and Jeju are separated from the other end of their trips by at least one large body of water with no land connection; Beijing, Shanghai, and the PRD are all way too far from each other on HSR to be competitive, as is Tokyo-Sapporo. That leaves Tokyo-Osaka, which is on the list primarily because even with HSR winning the mode share in that market the two metro areas are very large. (34m and 12m respectively, 21m if you count all of Kobe-Osaka-Kyoto)