Because Crimea is relatively warm, it's an interesting place worth visiting and, last but not least, there aren't that many options for Russians to go spend winter holidays in. The next work day is Monday
When I lived in NYC I remember the first day it reached 50 degrees, sometime in late March or April, you would see people walking around in tee shirts.
Now that I live in Miami, 50 degrees is cause to break out the warmest clothes you own. Definitely all relative.
It's more than relativity - it's a consequence of acclimatisation, which is the process of adaptation of the human body to ambient temperature environments.
Humans may acclimate to cool temperature by increasing brown fat, which in turn may lead to improvements in glucose metabolism. These changes can be dampened or reversed following exposure to warmer temperatures.
I can second this. I grew up in the Arizona desert. If it was below 55 degrees people would be wearing jackets. I then lived in NYC for a few years, I too recall the first day it broke 40 degrees. I went out in shorts and a t-shirt, it felt great!
When I lived in NYC I remember the first day it reached 50 degrees, sometime in late March or April, you would see people walking around in tee shirts.
Ditto for Chicago. First 50° day of the year, and Oak Street Beach fills up.