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Ask HN: Tiny self-hosted web chat?
3 points by daitangio on Jan 6, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
I'd like to install for my son and his school friends a small web chat to use with mobile phone. It should be open source and easy to secure. I have hard time finding a chat easy to install and with little memory footprint.

Do you have suggestions?

Maybe nextcloud talk? Nextcloud is easy to install on vps or a rpi and admin. I haven’t really used talk but it seems to be privacy focused enough and comes with mobile and web clients.

Have you considered IRC?

Yes, as far as I know IRC is the best option. But I need to put a web interface on it. Also IRC documentation use a "jargon" and there is no "modern" documentation. It is easy to interface with IRC.

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