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Show HN: Automatic Baseball Pitching Motion and Trajectory Overlay in Realtime (github.com/chonyy)
28 points by tonychonyy on Jan 3, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Apologies if this is a noob question, but I wonder how easy it would be to adapt this to other sports, eg cricket. Is the model specific to baseball, or can it be used for any ball-tracking?

Thanks for asking! This is not a noob question.

I would say that the similar workflow could be applied to any ball-related sports. The object detection and the tracking algorithm is basically the same. Then, you could add any sport-specific feature!

For example, I have used a similar method to build AI Basketball Analysis.


Great point! Looks so much clearer than the early days of HawkEye as well

You may be interested in what Trajekt Sports are building.


Thanks, will definitely check it out!

Okay now this is awesome! Great work!

I'm glad that you like it! Thanks a lot!

This looks great! How much data (clips/pitches) did you train your model on?

Thanks for asking! The only model I used in this project is the YOLOv4 object detection model to detect the ball in each frame. I collected about 200 images to train it.

For the other parts like the tracking and the overlay timing, I programmed it by myself.

I implemented SORT algorithm for tracking the ball and some programming logic to capture the overlay timing from each clip.

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