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"If you are an Apple employee, please send this story to your upper management particularly Tim Cook."

What exactly should we say? "Hey Tim, this unnamed ex-employee, working on an unnamed and extremely vaguely characterized project in an unnamed organization, is accusing unnamed co-workers, managers, and HR-representatives of perpetrating truly appalling abuses on her. You should look into this at once!" ?

It's a difficult situation for the original author; I understand their desire to remain anonymous for their protection, and I understand their wish to have their allegations investigated, but I don't see a good way to reconcile these two goals, and especially not a good way to recruit allies for the second goal.

I'm an employee of Apple and am appalled at the behaviors described in this article. I'm also unsure of what I can do to help here for similar reasons. That being said, I hope this person seeks some professional help to sort themselves out after this experience.

Not to get political but this is one reason that employment and healthcare shouldn't be so inextricably linked.

I have seen people on Twitter get angry over less information. What’s wrong with escalating this internally? We can both agree that there should be a real investigation right?

I agree. But I don't think the intermediate step of Apple employees reporting this anonymized story to Tim Cook helps much.

The original author has the option of reporting this pretty directly to Tim Cook (or, presumably, a team of minions acting as his mail filter), naming names, projects, etc. He'd be well advised to take this report seriously.

Alternatively, the author also has a number of further options. They could go to the press, as mentioned in the article. They could also find themselves a lawyer. IANAL, but the allegations, if true, would seem to constitute a constructive dismissal[0], which (apart from human decency) is a reason why Apple should have every interest to investigate the allegations.

Any of these three options would seem to me to be a promising way to get this investigated.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructive_dismissal

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