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Might as well plug mine too:


I'm not really sure what makes a project take off on HN. I posted mine here a couple weeks ago and got one single upvote :(. I'm glad to see the new style of #include templates getting more attention though. I think in general it's the right way to do templates in C.

FWIW, for sorting in a template-like C package I use https://github.com/swenson/sort/ .

That library is included in Pottery's benchmarks! :) It's another of the very few C libraries that use the #include template style.

Pottery's intro_sort has comparable or better performance to swenson's quick_sort but with a lot more features. You can supply a move or swap expression to Pottery to swap non-bitwise-movable types, you can supply array access expressions to sort non-contiguous arrays, and it has the heapsort fallback to guarantee O(nlogn) performance.

I don't have a Timsort yet though. For that, swenson's implementation is surely the best.

:) I'm using it for Timsort. Though in truth that's because I come from Python where it has a special fame - I haven't actually tested its performance against the other ones on my data set.

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