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C99 Variadic macros, for one, which allows for a nice to use `foreach` implementation. As for the latest C spec, I use a set of C compilable by C++, since most of the functional tests back-test against the STL, and hence compile with a C++ compiler

You do not need variadic macros!

        #define foreach(container, variable, iterator) \
        for (JOIN(container, it) iterator = JOIN(JOIN(container, it), each) (variable); \
        !iterator.done; iterator.step(&iterator))
Is this less nice? I personally do not like dangling )'s [I did not have to write DOS batch scripts :D]

Amazing, I can drop the variadic macro.

EDIT: Done, and thank you so much - it's so much cleaner this way

You're welcome. And you might like to see ''sys/queue.h'': https://github.com/openbsd/src/blob/master/sys/sys/queue.h

You're missing out on _Generic, _Static_assert, and restrict.


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